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What we’re about

Want to achieve balance in your every day life? Try our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes and learn simple meditation techniques you can use to experience true meditation. We’ve all heard about meditation but sometimes are not sure how to learn it or what to expect. There are many forms of meditations being offered which can also make it difficult to know which true method one should try.
True meditation is best understood as a state of mental silence or ‘thoughtless awareness’ in which one is fully alert and aware but free of the unnecessary thoughts or worries that lead to many of life’s day to day stresses. This state of silence occurs spontaneously when one learns how to focus on the experience of the present moment, leading to a state of peace and calm. Through a simple process, known as Self-Realisation (kundalini awakening), this meditative state can be quickly established, maintained and, most importantly, enjoyed!

Due to current restrictions all classes are now being held on-line. Please visit for a full list of our daily classes on Youtube, Zoom and Facebook.

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