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What we’re about

Social events, parties, gatherings! We want to socialize and for free. Our focus is BYO events , gatherings in parks and cafés, bars.

We are friendly & respectful - an international community focused in creating bonds, relationships and having fun!

This is an in-person only MeetUp. All our events are free, gratis, gratos! Forever.

Join us if you are prepared to have the time of your lives!


As per MeetUp rules, we have to provide more information - so let's do that:

- What your group is about and what you'll do at your events

We started as a small group of international friends that met during summer and realised that the number of free social events was quite limited and we wanted to participate in this movement of making social gatherings great again!

The events we intend to organize are social & of course, free:

  • Meeting up at bars & restaurants to socialize
  • Organizing picnics in the park
  • Partying & Dancing

- Who should join your group

Everybody is welcome, we are international and we speak many languages.

- Fees

Our group is Free - forever. We don't have any affiliation with any bar or restaurant, or any venue. We don't get any profit of it.

Hope to see you soon!



Upcoming events (1)

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