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What we’re about

Welcome Patriots.

Are you feeling like your voice is being excluded from the collective conversation in this country? Are you wanting to have your concerns responded to in a civil way without being shouted down? Come join us for perspective sharing across differences. Let's talk about what divides us.

The foundation of our democratic republic is built on trust and goodwill between us. These neighborly qualities must prevail. Though some politicians and media may wish to divide us by provoking our worst reactionary tendencies, we believe in human decency and we know our differences make us stronger.

This is a forum for free speech and civil discourse for conservatives, liberals, and otherwise. The United States is a deeply divided country. It's not bad to be different, but it is a problem when we become so disgusted with one another that we can't talk. Let's get out of our bubbles and listen to one another and talk in the spirit of genuine curiosity, not to change one another's mind.

We will use Braver Angels' guidelines on tolerance ( and Living Room Conversations' agreements ( to maintain a safe and respectful space.

Come on out and get to know your neighbors!