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What we’re about

Are you doing work you feel passionate about?
Do you want to spend your days doing something that you love and get well paid to do it?
Imagine if you were using your innate talents everyday in your work, instead of fighting your true nature you spend more and more time in a state of Flow! Doing what comes natural to you, means greater chance of success for you and it allows others to collaborate with you doing what they are great at too!
Create work that is aligned to your values and beliefs, work that gives you meaning, rather than a means to an end!
Work you were born to do! Work that’s truly worth getting out of bed in the morning!
It can be challenging doing this on your own. We are a supportive / collaborative group helping each other in discovering and bringing forth our greatest gifts to make a positive impact in the world.
Perhaps you already made a start towards creating the work you love or are at the very beginning of the process. You might want to transition to another career or in fact start your own project as a freelancer / entrepreneur, it doesn't matter, this group could be for you.
In this group we aim to:
• Clarify our vision of the work we wish to create.
• Deepen our self-awareness to support finding our own answers and navigate the process.
• Explore and clear blocks stopping us from getting to where we want to go.
• Learn from each others experience and expertise.
• Keep up the momentum towards our goal through mutual support and accountability.
We will do this through exercises designed to promote self-reflection and deep listening.
This is a participative interactive group, a place for you to discover your own answers and help others on the same journey.
We intend to do this in a fun, experimental way to create our dream work with meaning and passion, encouraging each other to be the best version of ourselves.
To our creativity and flow!

About Me
I am a qualified Transformational Coach. I trained as a coach in London in 2016, and bring my personal life experience to my work having transitioned career and country to be more in-tune with who I am. I am passionate about helping people connect deeply to themselves, bringing out their creativity and gifts for the world.

I have been practicing meditation for over 20 years, and spent 5 years living and facilitating the space at a retreat centre on a tiny island in Scotland, established by the Tibetan Buddhist monastery, Samye Ling, one of the pioneers of mindfulness in the UK.
I believe meditation and mindfulness are wonderful tools which help people gain clarity and focus by creating a space to listen deeply within. They have certainly helped me a great deal!

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