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What we’re about

We embrace everyone regardless of age, gender, gender identity, marital status, etc. Single, married, widowed, divorced, couples are ALL WELCOME.
We seek active, kind, courteous, respectful and warm people who enjoy doing fun things with us and whose presence adds to the fun of it all. We encourage you to come up with ideas for fun activities and participate with us.
Our goals are simple: Have fun, treat each other with kindness and dignity, interact as a new social group, and connect / co-host with other Meetup groups so that all of us fun friends can gather, get along and enjoy our time together.
Our rules are simple too:

  1. A face photo to join for safety reasons and so we can all identify each other at gatherings
  2. Use a first name (you don’t have to use your full name) so we can introduce you to everyone
  3. We all treat each other with respect and kindness. If you don’t like someone, keep it to yourself, we don’t bad mouth each other or other groups. We find the human connection to interact, and we are one large fun group
  4. Our members show respect to each other and to the volunteer organizers by showing up timely to events and/or canceling your RSVP/Sign up 24 hours before the event unless emergency happens. The key is RESPECT and Courtesy
  5. Did we say this enough? Have fun!
    We look forward to adding you to our group and seeing you at one of our FUN activities soon