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Whip-poor-wills bird walk

Photo of John Bescherer
Hosted By
John B. and Glenn d.
Whip-poor-wills bird walk


Join us for whip-poor-will spotting

Learn more about these vocal but elusive birds:

A report from the Albany Pine Bush Preserve says Whip-poor-wills are becoming rare in the Northeast. However Myles Standish State Forest is still a stronghold for this remarkable bird and contains some of their favorite habitat.

The bird walk is scheduled for 6:30. Meet us at the Fire Tower Parking Lot 6 off Bare Hill Road and walk some of the Wildlife Management areas off of Three Cornered Pond Road until sundown (at 8:15). You may want to bring a head lamp or flashlight for after sunset.

We will place ourselves strategically to listen to Hermit Thrushes ( and give way to Whip-poor-wills as the dusk gets deeper.

For those interested, we can try for owls afterwards. One year a "whip" almost landed on my head. I promise not to move if it happens again. Someone get an image, please..........

No dogs at this event please.

For more info on the Friends of Myles Standish, visit our Friends of Myles Standish State Forest website (

Photo of Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group group
Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group
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20 spots left