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What we’re about

FTT DAO is an independent, community-led DAO set up by friends, followers and fans of the FTX Token. We are looking to connect with individuals who are interested in - Crypto, Blockchain, Web 3.0, Effective Altruism, Sam Bankman-fried and FTX.

- We believe in crypto and the future of digital assets.
- We believe in effective altruism and giving back to the world.
- Awareness and education.

- We believe in a secure, self-sovereign crypto and digital asset future for all.
Doing things the right way to promote consumer and investor protection, a transparent and robust digital asset ecosystem, and preventing financial crimes.
- We believe Sam Bankman-Fried’s vision of effective altruism and giving back to the world.
- We want to bridge the current gap to help the world understand, learn and apply their crypto knowledge to do better and do good

Upcoming events

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