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Introduction, moving to the area in August

From: Beau S.
Sent on: Thursday, July 18, 2013, 4:55 PM
Hello, all!

I'm going to be moving into the area in August and would love to start getting involved with any Madison programmer communities. Suggestions for other communities besides this one?

The mailing list and meetup message board look to be pretty low traffic and mostly job posts. What is the best way to stay in touch with people from this group? Anyone on IRC, Skype, or Google Talk?

Would love to talk code with some people. :) I'm on Freenode as simensen and can be found in several channels including #composer, #symfony, #silex-php, #sculpin, and #dflydev. The latter is pretty much just me and is a good place to come say hi. :)

Are Madison PHP people hip to Composer? :)

You can find me on GitHub here:
And you can find me on Twitter here:
And various websites and blogs:

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