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Upcoming: "Doctrine 2" and Slides for "Code Reviews"

From: Beth Tucker L.
Sent on: Saturday, July 20, 2013, 10:17 AM
Slides for last Thursday's talk:
The slides for "Code Reviews: The "Secret" to Building Quality Software" are available at:
(Click "View Raw" to download the PDF.)

Thank you again to Patrick Schwisow ( for driving up from the Lake/Kenosha County PHP Users Group ( and speaking! If you attended the meeting, please stop by the meetup page and leave him some feedback on his talk. Feedback is very important for speakers to help them improve their talks, so please take a minute and leave a note for Patrick:

Next Meeting is August 22nd!
Don't forget to RSVP for "Doctrine 2: Time to Visit the Library" ( with our own Michael Williams! Discount Office Items ( is sponsoring food for this meeting (and they are hiring)!

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