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What we’re about

Introducing Social Meeples! A local board game club based in Thames Ditton.
Been running since mid 2023, however new to meetup as would love to welcome more new faces to our club.

We run every two weeks on a Thursday evening - Ye Olde Swan from 7pm.

The evening starts at 7pm usually flows as follows:
Start of the night as people arrive, general socialising & start off with a quick group game. Once this concludes, we break into multiple groups depending on game type, interest and complexity & the night rolls on from there, generally finishing by 10pm.

Each week members are encouraged to bring along games they wish to play & we choose games from the selection available on the night. We find this is a great way to play new games. We are beginner friendly; with a run down on the rules of each game before we start.

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