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What we’re about

日日係咁做😝忙完未吖😘想鬆下交友娛樂💫,識多D唔同嘅👬👭朋友,得閒出黎🤼‍♂️玩下、Hea下☕架! 【Fun Fun🎉家族】嘅成立就係想🤝聚集各位忙碌後嘅👉你👉你👉你,齊齊搞交友派對,可以識下、傾下、鬆下喇〰️

你入嚟做Fun會員,都想搵啱傾啱玩既buddy,齊亦輕鬆玩下, 齊齊減下壓喇,發放正能量! <br>我地活動非常廣泛,包括: <br>- 戶外活動:行山, 野餐, 放風箏, BBQ, 踏單車, 跑步, 游水 <br>- 室內活動:晚飯, 手作仔, 整甜品/蛋糕, 唱K, Art Jam, war game <br>- 義務工作: 派飯比露宿者, 探訪老人院及兒童院, 功課輔導


1. 若無法出席活動者請將RSVP盡快由Yes改為Not Going。


3. 希望各參與者尊重活動及其他人,任何影響活動進行的行為也會令其他人感到困擾,如進行集體活動時過份關注其手機、聚會時有過份的言語攻擊等等的行為,本會絕不容許 !


We are all special and unique, isn't it amazing to gather all people around the city and share each other's story and experience? This is a platform for you if you share the same idea!!

We hold casual dinner biweekly, for young adult aged under 30 from all backgrounds. We play we share we have fun, making sure everyone enjoy the night 😊

This is not a dating gathering, we hope everyone be open and meet the friends around. We welcome all backgrounds, all personalities, from any countries with any language, just join and enjoy the dinner and friends around the city.