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Meetup details changed: Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification Course

From: Joel E. (.
Sent on: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 7:15 PM


Hi Everyone,

Here is an invitation from Shawn & Sarah Carson, 2 of my favorite local NLP trainers. I've worked and studied with them both. Maybe some of you have met them at some of our events. If you have, you know they are wonderful and caring people, and incredibly smart and skilled trainers. And because they're part of Meetup, they understand us and what we want. And because they're friends, Anson and I were able to really twist their arm on what they are offering to you. I've never seen pricing this low, anywhere. We convinced them to take off $1,000 off their normal pricing Go check it out!



International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis Presents:

Join Dynamic NLP Trainers Shawn Carson, Sarah Carson and Amir Mahmoud LIVE In Manhattan, New York USA For An Amazing Journey Of Transformation.

Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Practitioner Certification Course

If you're finally ready to step into your personal power and become a master influencer who can change people fast, then we have some exciting news for you...

But first we have some important questions to ask you. Think carefully as you answer...…

  • Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life naturally and elegantly, without having to struggle with the process?
  • Are you fascinated with how the mind works and eager to understand more?
  • Are you already a coach or therapist looking for more effective change patterns and techniques to add to your tool kit?
  • Are you curious to understand the patterns you run, learn ways to let go of unresourceful behaviors and gain more effective ways of behaving?
  • If you answered YES to any of the above questions then you are ready to enroll in our upcoming

    NLP Practitioner Certification Course.

    If you are All-Ready to enroll in your future you can do so here by choosing your preferred format (weekend or intensive), typing in the name of your Meetup Group and paying through our secure Paypal account. Otherwise for more information read on!

    Weekend Format: Saturday and Sunday 10:00a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

    This course will be taught by Shawn and Sarah Carson

    June 2/3, 9/10, 23/24, 30/July1, July 28/29, Aug 11/12, 2012

Find out More (click here)


Intensive Format: 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

This course will be taught by Sarah Carson and Amir Mahmoud

August 15th - 19th and August 25th- 28th 2012 inclusive

Find out More (click here)

“You’ve Found The Best”
“Shawn and Sarah Carson are the best NLP trainers in New York. They use an integrative approach that goes way beyond traditional NLP and into change work that's transformative and long lasting.
"I encourage all of my hypnosis students to take their training and am always amazed at how easily and effortlessly they incorporate and utilize the skills they learn.
"If you're looking for NLP training, you've found the best.
Melissa Tiers, DCH , Author of "Integrative Hypnosis: A comprehensive course for change" and "The Anti-anxiety toolkit: Rapid techniques to rewire the brain"
So here it is…in a nutshell: this course is designed to give you the skills to read and understand others and vastly increase your personal influence, naturally, elegantly and effortlessly

What you’ll discover is:

  • The real secret of human interaction and communication…track the unconscious clues that indicate exactly what to say and do to get the outcome you desire

  • The key tools for personal change…whether you are self coaching or coaching others

  • Over 50 powerful techniques to ensure you become a better coach, businessperson or friend by instantly changing the way anyone feels about any issue.

  • The secret pattern of influence used by salespeople, politicians, orators, and storytellers for thousands of years. You will be amazed at the power of this simple pattern

  • Over 25 classic NLP patterns such as the Swish, Map across, 6-step reframe and many more

  • The conversational Hypnotic language patterns of the worlds greatest ever hypnotist Milton H Erickson

  • How the mind organizes time…. become a “time-traveler “ …master past present and future

  • A unique altered state of consciousness that allows you to step into your peak experience…at will

  • The secret principle of communicating powerful messages to the unconscious mind during normal conversation, known only to master communicators

  • The key pattern that allows you to instantly change how you feel about any issue, …any time any place

  • The words to say so that you can help change how anyone feels about an issue, without even knowing what the issue is

  • How to ensure that the changes you make stick…every time

  • The simple steps to effectively let go of past issues, and step into your dreams

  • “Passion and Deep Knowledge of NLP”

    “The space held by the Carson team is the most delightful, nurturing, stimulating and inspiring place in the world, be it for their clients, their students, just as they are with their friends. Their remarkable personalities, enhanced with their passion and deep knowledge for NLP, and Human nature in general, is the key.

    "I had the luck to meet them, to learn from them, a learning and tools that I use everyday in my life, my creative activities, my relationships, professional, personal, my family and mostly myself!"

    "Lovely people, lively teaching, sharp yet compassionate, rich yet playful. I would put more stars if I could, as the sky is their only limit (if any).”

    Caroline Bergonzi ,
    Creative Explorer, NLP Master Practitioner



    At $2500 ours is one of the lowest cost Full NLP Practitioner Courses in Manhattan!

    Pay only $2500 plus $150 certification fee (paid separately)

    Joel Elfman and Anson Mau asked up to create a Special Offer for their Select Meetup Groups. When we asked them what they had in mind, and they asked us to knock 40% off the price. We told them a $1000 discount was crazy, but they insisted! This makes our NLP Practitioner less than half the price of comparable courses!

    Pay only $1500, a 40% Discount from the full price! (select Meetup groups only) plus $150 certification fee (paid separately)

    Joel and Anson said we had not gone far enough and insisted we also waive the certification fee as well! For legal reasons we have to charge the fee but we finally agreed to pay $149 out of our own pockets!

    So here is the deal:

    Pay only $1500 for a full NLP Practitioner Course, an Amazing 40% Discount off the full price

    Plus as a special bonus WE will pay $149 of your certification fee, you pay only $1 for certification!

    And you get to choose the format, 6 weekends or 9 day Intensive.

    “They help changed my life and I am sure they will help you change yours as well”

    Being a former Marine and two time war veteran, I needed help. I tried medication and was seeing different Psychologist to help me with my PTSD and other war-related issues. After trying everything, I finally did some research on hypnosis and NLP. When I found IPCH, I spoke to Shawn and Sarah and I had an instant rapport. Their energy made me feel better and extremely comfortable feeling as if I was in good hands.

    "After having a few sessions with them, I actually decided to take their courses as well. Once I learned how exactly they helped me change, I had the tools to make the changes I needed permanent and THAT was a life changer for me. Their style of teaching guarantees you learn the material on a "personal" level because they cater to YOUR needs individually, rather than teaching in mass seminars of 100 people where you get lost in the crowd."

    "There are hundreds of other schools and I have contacted them all. Shawn and Sarah's "energy" just felt right. And because it felt right, it was exactly what I was looking for. They helped me expand my knowledge BEYOND what I expected, and they really helped me change my life."

    "I recommend to anyone, before you even THINK about going to anyone else, MAKE SURE you go see Shawn and Sarah first because in my experience with them, I can only say you will be extremely satisfied. They help changed my life and I am sure they will help you change yours as well."

    Angelo Gage ,
    NLP Master Practitioner

    How do I sign up??

    Just decide which format you want (Weekend or Intensive). To pay by credit card enter the name of one Meetup Group you're a member of (doesn't need to be exact) and use our secure and convenient Paypal account below. Otherwise contact us (details below) to arrange payment by check.

    I'm not ready to sign up but would like to know more about NLP

    If you would like to learn more about NLP, click here to receive your copy of our one hour audio program "The Secrets of NLP Revealed!" absolutely FREE.

    For those interested in learning how to use these amazing NLP tools and techniques specifically in the business setting we have GREAT NEWS. We will be running an NLP for Business course in the Fall of 2012.

    I want the Weekend Format

    Saturday and Sunday 10:00a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

    This course will be taught by Shawn and Sarah Carson

    June 2/3, 9/10, 23/24, 30/July1, July 28/29, Aug 11/12, 2012

    Find out More (click here)


I want the Intensive Format

  • Intensive Format: 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

    This course will be taught by Sarah Carson and Amir Mahmoud

    August 15th - 19th and August 25th- 28th 2012 inclusive

    Find out More (click here)

    I have questions/I want to pay by check

    To arrange payment using check, or if you have questions, call or email us with your preferred course and Meetup name and we will reserve your place until we get your check.

    Contact us -

    [address removed]


    100% money back guarantee up to the end of the first day of training, no questions asked.

  • Having successfully completed this course you will be a Certified (H)NLP Practitioner through INHNLP