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What we’re about

This is an International Community! Meetings are online only! *Meetings will start from late May!*
Greetings Starseeds and welcome to the group. Here, we discuss topics about Starseeds, lightworkers, and spirituality in general. Have you ever wondered what starseed origin you came from? What your past life is like? What is your purpose/mission here on Earth? We want to uncover these questions for ourselves to remember who we truly are.

We also dedicate ourselves to practicing Akashic Records reading for each other and learning how to use our intuition and psychic abilities better through practice and faith. Be sure to be respectful of others and maintain the energy of love and peace in the group. I hope you have a fruitful time here!

Please let me know if you have any questions or a topic you would like to discuss specifically.

Donations(anything is appreciated!):
My YouTube Channel: