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What we’re about

"Gals Gone Fun" activities are mostly attended by women in their 50's, 60's and 70's.  Most "Gals" activities are in central Contra Costa. The "Gals" are buddies, pals, friends and chums.  Sorry, guys, we don't let you join our group.  This is not a "singles" or dating group.  While Gals Gone Fun welcomes women of all ages, our walks are shorter and less ambitious than those organized by younger hikers, and because the organizers themselves are retired, we attract a mature group of women.  This group exists because the founders of the group were looking for hour-long walks of about 3 miles, which can be difficult to find among other MeetUp hiking groups.  Our most popular activities have been our Sunday morning walks with breakfast and/or beverages either before or after the walk. Our goal is to socialize, while doing activities we enjoy.  We love walking while chatting, then sipping coffee to sounds of laughter and conversation . We love getting out into the East Bay Hills, but we are not serious hikers. We welcome all women whether single or married, regardless of age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or background.  This is a group designed for female companionship. Many 'Gals Gone Fun' members are devoted to their dogs, so most 'Gal' walks welcome your leashed buddy to our group, 'Dogs Gone Fun'.

We are open to all sorts of activities. Please consider becoming a 'Gals' organizer so you can set up and lead some wonderful outings that we are unable to offer at present.  We have organized many events in the past, but currently need more of our Gals to step up to lead events other than the weekly walks.  'Gals Gone Fun' will enrich your life with the fun activities we share. Together, we laugh and cry at the movies, and we all agree that the meal afterwards tastes yummier with the 'Gals'. We visit museums, Bay Area attractions, coffee houses, and meals out on the town. We attend concerts and plays, host parties, share cooking creations, knit, sew and bead together, volunteer and participate in fundraising events, plus we talk about books we read and TV series we are watching.  We appreciate the friendship of a diversity of women. We know that together we are stronger and happier.