What we’re about
**COVID-19** - We are now able to accept new members! We are open and recruiting.
If you are interested in learning Historical European Martial Arts, we offer instruction in two distinct styles of combat. The Exiles focus on the 14thC art of Fiore Dei Liberi, whereas the 1595 focus on later swordsmanship with cutlass and rapier. Full descriptions below:
The Exiles Galway:
This is a group for anyone who is interested to train in the combat arts set down by Fiore Dei Liberi in the 14th Century. The Exiles have clubs across the UK and now have a club in Galway and one in the US. We train in unarmed combat, rondel dagger, longsword, spear and poleaxe.
All skill levels are welcome, the only requirements are an open mind and positive attitude.
The group will be training on Wednesday evenings, from 7~9pm at Scoil Einde, Dr. Mannix Road, Salthill.
We are on Facebook at The Exiles Galway and you can message us there or on here. You can also email us at Hemagalway@gmail.com
The 1595 Galway:
**description to follow**