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Another Game Jam has come and gone!

From: Joseph B.
Sent on: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 7:54 PM


Thanks for attending!

Just wanted to thank everyone who attended the last game jam we had a really awesome turn out, lots of really cool games were made! I believe there were about 7 teams that presented a game at the end of the day using the theme "Tiny World", all very creative stuff!


Results of the jam

I took a bunch of pictures and also recorded some video on my phone which I will be posting soon as well. I am still getting in contact with the separate teams so we can get their games posted for everyone who couldn't make it to play.


Jam team members

For those who attended the Game Jam if you are having difficulty uploading your game to the meetup up website please get in contact with me so I can work with you to get your stuff available to everyone else! My email is [address removed]


Special thanks!

Huge special thanks to 5th Planet Games for hosting this Jam, the space was great, had plenty of room for everyone to build their games and lots of lovely free snacks provided :-D

Huge special thanks to member Dan for providing all those extremely delicious cupcakes from his frozen yogurt Cafe called Fresh Berry. Make sure to check out the place really great sweets!

2030 Douglas Blvd., Ste 16
Roseville, CA 95661


Future Game Jams

For all those who want to attend any future Game Jams I highly recommend you do it, tons of fun and you get to make a game! But if you can not make it please remember to mark your RSVP as no! A lot of people who said they were coming on the list didn't show... It's important that I have a good idea of who is actually coming so I can plan out the spacing and make sure everyone who wants to actually attend can make it!


Thanks everyone!








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