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Gaming and Media Event on October 15th!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 2:43 PM

Hey NYC Gaming,

We have a special event coming up on October 15th, with an expert panel including the New York Times and Aol.  Going back to the days of newspapers without Internet and TV without cable, media and news have had a symbiotic relationship with games. With the emergence of the Web, consoles, fantasy sports, social media, mobile computing and HTML5, the options for what's now possible is virtually limitless. How do game developers get their bearings and attempt to navigate this uncharted universe of opportunity? How does a media org move into gaming and make it part of their business and brand?

This panel offers perspectives from media and news organizations about what it's like to evolve partnerships and competencies that are necessary to become a new kind of organization, one that can invent, make and distribute games. 

Panelists include:

Tim Griggs, Director of Paid Products at The New York Times

John Fox, General Manager at Aol

Jeff Jarvis, Director of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

A NYC Gaming Conversation: Media + News + Games
Monday, October 15th @ 7:00pm
The New York Times: 620 8th Avenue (@ 41st), 15th Floor

Hope to see you there.

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