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What we’re about

The Gang of Adventurers is a Gang of parents and kids coming together to advenure in the best place of all, their imagination. And to play the best of all social games - Roleplaying Games (RPG's).

Once a month to begin with, we invite parents and kids, to join us for a few hours of adventure and excitement across space & time.

We expect this to be a parent-kid event, where kids of 8 years and older can sit down to Adventure, somwhere where their parents can keep an eye on them, or play RPG's too. 

---- Note we are in the startup phase of this group, so some of this may be subject to change.

We do not expect to be a drop off day care center. Instead, the basic idea is that parents can bring along their kids and run/play RPG's. Depending on the ratio of adults to kids, we may run parent only games, as well as kid games. Teenagers are welcome too, and we will try to accommodate them.

Parents are the proxies for their kids, when they sign up they tell the gang-mistress the ages and genders, so we can plan the events.

We are looking into other activities for younger Adventurers.

The main language of play can be either Dutch or English, but English is the main language of play. We hope to add educational content to the games (such as maths etc) after the Gang has gained some more momentum.

Upcoming events

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