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What we’re about

Gay Geeks - The LGBT Tech & Developer Meetup in Los Angeles .  This is a diverse community of developers interested in learning about and sharing cutting-edge software development and industry best practices.

Topics generally fall into one of these categories:
1. [ tech ] => Mobile and Web Development, Testing, DevOps, useful tools, new tech, how-to's.
2. [ tech2 ] => Advanced programming, devices, etc. OR any purely "nerdy" topics in general.
3. [ design ] => Design & UX, the tools we use, product, etc.
4. [ biz ] => The inner entrepreneur.  Queers getting things done.
5. [ culture ] => Inclusion, diversity, work, and problems.
6. [ leadership ] => "Being the ambassador" - share your story, how did you get here, how did you find your way into tech.