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What we’re about

I am very open to your ideas as to what you would like to see and attend; I know from past organizer experience the hardest part of this is to plan events that people will attend. I'm going to keep it easy and do "LAID BACK" events like nights out for dinner, drinks, or potlucks. I am VERY open to your ideas. <br>

Pre-covid we would do "LAID BACK DINNERS/LUNCHES" in different areas so members could make new connections. Other than a few "distanced picnics" we have done a few Zoom Happy Hours. Looking forward to post-covid and being able to host events again.

Consider hosting an event?? The more we can offer our members the better! I'd be happy to help you organize or be a co-host if you would like.

Please note that in order to be a part of this group you must maintain a clear face picture. In this age of "anonymous apps" my vision for this group is to provide a "real" opportunity for guys to meet face to face.

Finally, our members are from all levels of experiences and life. We do not allow members to send "unsolicited" emails to other members unless you have previously met them at a Meetup or you previously know them. Anyone caught sending these emails or soliciting for "fun" out the blue will (sadly) be banned. Far from a prude here, but this isn't the place to find hookups (may I suggest Grindr, Scruff, or Growlr? lol).
