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May Meetup: Hash Table

From: Barrett C.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 4:55 PM
Good afternoon everyone,

This is to let everyone know about our meetup for May 19th. We are doing another special 'Hash Table' event at a local restaurant. Our topic is "How Flashy is tomorrow's web?". This is a discussion about the role and effect of non-HTML technologies like Flash on the web. Are they good for it? Bad for it? Or doomed by HTML 5? We haven't confirmed the location yet, but will have it up soon. Please RSVP as soon as possible.

Next up, we are looking for some people to compare version controls at the June meeting. Some people have already ready volunteered for git. Anyone want to show of Mercurial? How about stand up for Subversion? Just let us know at [address removed]

Don't forget that NOLA PHP's first meeting is this Thursday at LaunchPad.

Finally, look for a time change to the meeting coming in June. Probably to 7:00 PM.

Thanks, and we'll see you at the next meeting.

Barrett M. Conrad

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