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Superbowl Hackathon and ElasticSearch

From: Cory F.
Sent on: Friday, January 4, 2013, 1:11 PM

Hello gnocoders,

At our meeting next week, we have Dan Noble presenting on ElasticSearch.  ElasticSearch is one of the more recently created open source solutions for developing fast, document-based search.  It has been rapidly gaining in popularity, and Dan will be focusing on its use as an analytics tool.

Also next week is the Codemkrs SUPER Challenge (Hackathon).  The event organizer, Travis, did a quick presentation on this at the last meeting.  It's a 48 hour event being hosted at Peter A. Mayer's headquarters from Jan 11th at 6pm to Jan 13th at 4pm.  You can register and read more about the event at:

See you next week,

Cory Fabre


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