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What we’re about

Hello everyone and welcome to the GDG Salzburg & Women Techmakers Salzburg Community!

Before we start please be aware that this page combines two communities. The events are always planned for individual community with the prefixes GDG = Google Developer Group and WTM = Women Techmakers.

Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology. Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field.

Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs. We enable meaningful events for professional and personal growth.

We have different activities: intense study groups, inspirational fireside chats and international events. New and existing members are always welcome to all of the events, and all events are always opened for everyone, regardless of your gender/age/race/experience, etc.

At Women Techmakers Salzburg we want to provide a space where everyone can contribute. So feel free to contact us, if you like to share your experience and knowledge on certain topics :)

Women Techmakers Salzburg is a non-profit organization focused on empowering and promoting women in tech. We aspire to provide women with the tools and abilities to grow their careers in the tech arena by hosting inspiration events, providing practical tools, creating a supportive community and providing mentorship guidance.

Google Developer Group (GDG) Salzburg is a non-profit, independent group that brings together developers and users to discuss and share their experiences using Google Developer technologies, such as Android, Firebase, Angular, and Google Cloud Platform. Our community hosts a variety of events, including meetups, hackathons, talks, and workshops, to introduce both developers and non-developers to the Google Developer platform. Join us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in technology and connect with like-minded individuals!

Upcoming events (2)

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