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What we’re about

Build What's Next with Google.
We are Calgary’s Google Developer Community. We help you accelerate your knowledge, experience and expertise in building with Google technology for AI, Cloud, Web and Mobile.

Build Together.
Our events and meetups get you hands-on, learning from experts or networking with talented, passionate technologists from around the world and from right here.

Advance Faster.
Launch your career with Google programs to certify your skills, establish your expertise, accelerate your career and access equitable opportunities.

Let’s build a world-class community. Together.
Our vision says it all. We’re not satisfied until GDGYYC is a world-class developer community. It’s what we’re here to do.

Click the "Join us" button to get started. Welcome to the community!
Disclaimer: GDGYYC (Aka. Google Cloud Developer Group Calgary) is an independently organised, not-for profit member of Google's world-wide developer communities known as Google Developer Groups (GDG). Our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit