What we’re about
GEAF Gifts Spiritual Growth Meetup group is for those who are interested in taking classes to broaden their knowledge of energy work, Shamanic Practices, Reiki and other healing modalities, and connecting to our guides and the Ancient Ones. Classes are brought forward with the knowledge of Native Hawaiian, Navajo (Diné) and other indigenous peoples teachings and lifestyles.
This Meetup was established to assist others on their spiritual journey by providing opportunities to meet others of like-mind and to provide a safe and sacred space where there is no fear or judgment. Laughter is inevitable in any event held by GEAF Gifts and business partners.
Join this group as a individual, remain with the group as family.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- A Shaman's Journey Discussion GroupGEAF Gifts, LLC, Westminster, CO
This is a recurring group discussion opportunity for those who are starting on their healers, or shamanic path, or for practicing Shamans aka medicine men and women. This gathering will take place the last Thursday of every month both in person and online.
You can ask questions of clarification, validation or guidance without the fear of being judged; share your personal Shamanic experiences, or to listen to Shaman's talk about the path they followed on their journey. The goal to provide a safe place for group discussions and sharing.
This will be facilitated by Gayle Fowler, Urban Shaman, Medical Intuitive, Channel and Empath. There may also be guest speakers and rituals/ceremonies for the group to participate in.
Zoom Information, Registration Required:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/uNC7-wxzS5uMa7buO4SPhA - Metaphysical Sale: Crystals, Dragons, Jewelry & MoreHealing Arts Center at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Arvada, CO
Join GEAF Gifts, Heaven In Earth and Two Open Hearts for a metaphysical sale. These are women owned local small businesses the specializes in selling items that helps individuals on their spiritual path.
The following is what each company will be offering:
- GEAF Gifts (Gayle Fowler) We have a lot of new crystals and healing tools, sprays to help you connect with your guides, and other Shamanic items. GEAFGifts@comcast.net or text 303-521-1707
- Heaven In Earth (Carol Quinn) We offer crystalline energy infused jewelry and spiritual tools including wands, crystal grids, and Morse Code jewelry in addition to offering a variety of unique crystals and stones. heaveninearthcrystals@gmail.com ·
www.facebook.com/heaveninearthcrystals - Two Open Hearts (Susan Goddard & Carissa Fisher) We have selenite lamps, crystal tiaras, 3D printed dragons and guides, and healing tools such as selenite swords, rattles, smudging tools, and many unique gifts. twoopenhearts@outlook.com
Lots of parking at St Andrew Lutheran Church front and back parking lot and street parking.
- Encounters and Connecting with the People of the Forest/SasquatchLink visible for attendees
Gayle will be speaking at the Denver Near Death Experience Spirituality Meetup Group in person and online.
Please RSVP to the following if you wish to attend:
- In Person: https://www.meetup.com/denver-nde/events/306392295/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events
- Online: https://www.meetup.com/denver-nde/events/306392336/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events
Join Gayle Fowler, Urban Shaman, and Channel, as she shares her encounters with the People of the Forest, aka Sasquatch or Big Foot. These encounters have occurred in the Spiritual Realm and in person. They frequently join her during her healing sessions and ceremonies. Gayle started as a quasi-skeptic, but her firsthand experiences made her a true believer.
This is a recount of her first live encounter…
In 2017, Gayle Fowler had the most amazing experience while camping up in the mountains of the Navajo Reservation. She and 8 others were invited to camp at her friend’s family’s Sheep Camp. Her friend grew up never knowing that there were many People of the Forest living in the forested areas. The group heard loud hoots and calls when they were planning to leave offerings during the full moon. Then, on the last day of the trip, Gayle was looking for the location of the family’s sweat lodge when she saw a very tall, lean being with long black silky hair. She did not know what to make of it and tried to get the attention of the others to point out what she was seeing. When she was able to get their attention, she turned back to the location of this being and it disappeared. The others asked what she saw, and Gayle replied, “I don’t know what I saw. It was someone else up here, or a Raven?” The others said, “You know what you saw, it was a Sasquatch.”Gayle has been blessed with several encounters of the People of the Forest in New Mexico, Washington, Arkansas, and Colorado. Gayle has learned how to communicate with them in the spirit realm and in person. She is still amazed at the heart-centered encounters with these beautiful, loving beings. They frequently show up during sessions with her clients and assist in the healing process.
More about Gayle
Gayle Fowler is an Urban Shaman, Certified Master Teacher in Reiki and the Feather Way, an Empath, Medical Intuitive, and Channel. She started her own company, GEAF Gifts, LLC in 2012 and opened her own shop in November 2015.Gayle found, at an early age, that she had the ability to ease the pain of loved ones, both physically and emotionally. She also had the ability to sense spirit, vibrational energy and feel others’ emotions. It wasn’t until she completed her Reiki certifications in Colorado that she accepted her role as a healer. She also has the gift of seeing past lives, sharing messages from guides, and connecting one with their Shamanic guides. She works with bear medicine and other Indigenous medicines to help people to heal their emotional, mental, spiritual bodies to help heal their physical bodies.
Gayle Fowler was born, raised, and educated in Hawaii on the island of Oahu and moved to Colorado with her family in 1996. Gayle has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Hawaii and a Master of Business Administration from Regis University. She left corporate America after over thirty years as a project manager/director to pursue her healer’s path.
Contact Information:
Email: geafgifts@comcast.net