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Archery Club

From: Hannah
Sent on: Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 12:03 PM

Dear Geeks,

The archery course in Nuneaton are currently trying to fill a crossbow course, they have told me that that either archery or crossbow archery would be the first course being held.

They aren't able to get both types of archery on because of cost.

So if anyone wants to do crossbow archery INSTEAD of normal archery please RVSP so I can get back in touch with the main man!

Once I know this we will be able to get a quote, either as a group or as individuals! They do need specific numbers per class, so far I have 4 (including myself) who are interested, please let me know if you haven't already whether you want to do archery/crossbow as well!


Many thanks peoples!

Lady Regent ;)

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