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What we’re about

Do you have trouble getting stuff done?

Have you been delaying important paperwork?

Do you have an idea for the next big thing, but just can't seem to get started?

Do you tend to start multiple projects, but are unable to finish them?

Do you find it difficult to complete tasks in your own home?

Do you lack support and accountability?

Have you noticed that the mere presence of another human being in your nearby space helps to focus you?

What is a GYST session?

During a GYST session members come together in a structured environment within a limited time to support one another and to ensure that measurable results are achieved by the time the session is complete. Progress is tracked and charted after each session to serve as a visual cue and a starting point for the next session.

Leave the session with ...

... one less task to accomplish
... the confidence that your project is now underway
... the motivation to continue
... new connections who can help fill in the parts of your project that you are weak in

Utilizing the skills of other members to compensate for your own weaknesses and helping others with things that you are great at, members move confidently towards realization and closure of their projects.


This is not a group for just motivation and support, but rather, you will perform actual work during each session towards completing your project. Supplies will be available... Progress will be tracked... Sh!t will be accomplished... Accomplishments will be celebrated ! 

Here are some examples of projects:

- Income taxes

- Overdue term paper or research paper

- Website creation

- Settling of an estate

- Computer repair

- Researching a product or service

- Applying for benefits (EI, etc.)

- University application

- Sewing and clothing repair

- Cell phone and technical difficulties

- Scanning or organizing photographs or documents

- Organizing an event (party, wedding, etc.)

- Cataloging your music collection

... and many many more

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