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What we’re about

Welcome to Girlfriends of Saint Charles County Bunco and Social Group!!!
WE ARE a fun social group that is for any woman 35 and older who loves getting together with friends for fun social gatherings. We are a diverse group of women who value our differences and are about friendships, fun, building each other up, and support. Some of us grew up here and others are new to the area. We do not care about marital status, sexual orientation, income level, if you have children or not, and so on.
WE ENJOY concerts, local bands, happy hour, food trucks, wineries, etc. We host a bunco game every month. We are always looking for event organizers and are open to new ideas. We do try to keep most activities in the Saint Charles County area, but we do occasionally like to see what's happening further out. We look for good deals to keep costs low on most activities and we also allow children/husbands at a few of our events that are more family oriented.
A COUPLE OF SIMPLE RULES to keep things running smoothly:
1. We do ask for you to have a current profile pic of just you to help us know who is who at events and can look for any new members. We would also like at least your first name to be displayed.
2. We realize everyone has lives outside of Meetup, but we do ask that if you rsvp to attend an event and need to cancel, please do so no less than 24 hours before the event. Cancelling 3 times less than 24 hours before an event OR not showing up will result in removal from the group. It is very frustrating for a host to plan for guests then have them not communicate or cancel last minute.
If you have any issues with members or events please feel free to message an admin. We will not all be best friends, but anyone bringing drama or negativity to the group will be removed. We have a wonderful group of women who are all about supporting, respecting, and embracing each other and our differences.
NOTE FROM ADMIN DEE: One thing I personally love about this group is that I have tried new things and gone places that I never would have if not for the wonderful women in this group.
MEET YOUR ORGANIZERS: Feel free to message us directly if you have any outing suggestions.
Dee - Group Founder
Adria - Co-Organizer - Bunco Organizer, Group IT
Emily - Co-Organizer-  New membership approval and Co-Bunco Organizer