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What we’re about

Calling all Singles let's get together and have FUN! 
$10.00 Annual Donation - Thank YOU!
This group is to connect those Going Solo in fun travel activities, whether it be local travel, USA travel or alone NO MORE! We will also embark on some educational and self-discovery get-togethers which will enhance our lives and maybe just make us laugh. We may have an occasional dinner out, go to the movies together, cook-outs or just have a gathering to share a drink or two to share and dream about our bucket list. The purpose of this group is to connect Singles in a fun way and make a friend! This group has an annual per person fee of $10.00.

  • You can pay your Annual Fee by joining our website, complete your profile. Once paid let Cece know and she will credit Or you can pay cash in person at one of our gatherings.


You MUST upload an actual profile picture of yourself so that we may recognize you at events, Your membership will not be approved until there is one.

Please be considerate of others and if you cannot attend an event that you have RSVP'd to try to cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time.

Understand that if you sign up for an event and do not attend, this will be considered a "No Show". If you have more than 3 events that you fail to cancel or not show up to then you will be removed from the group.

Misconduct at any event will result in immediate removal from the group

Upcoming events (4+)

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