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What we’re about

Discover GPU Programming

Gemini CAD Systems and the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering are happy to announce a new educational program, Discover GPU Programming. The program is designed for computer engineering and computer science students. All others interested in GPU Programming are welcome. We aim to follow this educational path:


Intro to parallel programming, 18th of November 2016 

• Simona Caraiman, Ph.D., assoc. prof., Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering 

GPU Programming basics, 19th of November 2016 

• Radu Danciu, Software Technical Director, Gemini CAD Systems 

A practical guide to GPU programming, 25th of November 2016 

• Radu Danciu, Software Technical Director, Gemini CAD Systems 


·  November/December 2016, date to be decided

Online course and team projects

·  December 2016 – March 2017

Paid internship with Gemini CAD Systems

·  During 2017

All events will be detailed in the next few days. For getting the latest news and for registration, please join the following meetup group:

Group links