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What we’re about

Welcome to "Gravity Table" billiards & snooker team, a vibrant and dynamic community of cue sports enthusiasts in the heart of Riyadh. Our group is dedicated to fostering a passionate and welcoming environment for individuals who share a love for billiards and snooker.

About Us
Riyadh billiards & snooker team, is more than just a group; we're a tight-knit community of players and enthusiasts who value the art of cue sports. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner looking to learn, our group provides a space for people of all skill levels to come together, connect, and enjoy the thrill of the game.

What We Offer
We regularly organize billiards and snooker friendly matches. It's a fantastic opportunity to test your skills, compete, and meet new friends who share your passion.

Training and Coaching
Our members are always willing to share their knowledge and provide coaching to those who want to improve their game.

Social Gatherings
Beyond the game, we also organize social meetups, where you can relax, chat, and make lasting friendships with like-minded individuals.

Equipment and Venue Information
We can provide recommendations on where to find quality billiards and snooker equipment, as well as information on the best venues to play in Riyadh.

Our Values
At Riyadh billiards & snooker team, we value sportsmanship, camaraderie, and inclusivity. We believe in promoting the spirit of fair play and creating an atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable and respected.

Join Us
If you're passionate about billiards and snooker and want to be part of a vibrant community in Riyadh, we invite you to join our group. Whether you're a competitive player or simply looking for a fun and social way to enjoy these cue sports, you'll find a warm and welcoming place among us.

Please note that we care deeply about human connection and maintaining a positive and respectful environment. Our group is monitored to ensure it adheres to these values, making it a safe and enjoyable space for everyone. Come, roll those balls, and pocket those fun memories with Riyadh billiards & snooker team!

Upcoming events (1)

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