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What we’re about

A group for connecting players of role-playing games in the area, and arranging game meetups. New players and experienced adventurers welcome, and we hope to get to regularly scheduling ongoing games. "Plan B" is because, my original "Plan A" for finding games was just playing with friends and family, a plan that both limits who I can met and game with, as well as not working well in these days of complicated schedules.

We're focusing on the biggies - "Dungeons and Dragons" and "Pathfinder", but other RPG's are on the potential slate as well.
Been wanting to do more rpg's, but not sure how to find local people to play with? This is for you!
Never played games like this, but are curious? This is for you!
Have fond memories of rolling dice and battling monsters from long ago days of your youth? This is for you!
Heard famous movie stars play D&D? We can't help with the acting, but we can with the D&D!
Like pretending to be someone else, and engage in daring exploits? This is for you!