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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to the mindfulness meetup. This group is for anyone who wants to learn about meditation as a path to living harmoniously with self-awareness. \

Release the past, move into the present and mindfully paint the future. Gain clarity from stillness, from stopping to pause and listen. Receive guidance on quieting the mind by focusing on the breath. Explore themes of self-kindness, letting go, renewal and skillful responses to daily life.
Mindfulness training polishes a silent nourishing mirror for the mind. It improves mental clarity and the ability to concentrate. It supports a connection to inner guidance, more creativity at solving problems and improved sleep. Relationships with family and friends deepen; one experiences increased energy and more enthusiasm for life. Stress lightens and is replaced with a grateful, resilient inner peace. Meditation is one of the best tools we have to balance our emotions, lower stress, sharper concentration and nurture the ability to savor life.
Some Benefits of Meditation: \

*Strengthens one's capacity to be in the moment, \

*Relaxes the body \

*Connects the mind and body
Anyone can meditate. The ancient spiritual technology of belongs to all.
This group is an affiliate of the SPiCE Social Club \