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Invitation - 2 Investing Workshops, 1 Full Day - Sat. April 5th

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, March 28, 2008, 3:38 PM

Here is your personal invitation to the Saturday April 5th Intensive Workshop.


We will be offering 2 Workshops with 2 Amazing Speakers!!

Event Topics:

1) How to Invest with your 401K and Retirement Plans

2) How to Run a Pre-Foreclosure Business

You must RSVP by replying with your Full Name and Email to receive an E-Ticket!

9:00am – 5:00pm

Bellevue Hilton
[masked]th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98004


Review the Attached Intensive Flyer or click link for full details:

Best Regards,


Dominic Wood | Real Estate Investment Advisor
NW Investment Network |
D:[masked] | F: [masked] | [address removed] |

Wanna be a Real Estate Investor? Wanna access wholesale properties that cash-flow?
“We Don’t Teach Real Estate Investing. We Create Real Estate Investors!”


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