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What we’re about

Welcome to a passionate community of nature enthusiasts who come together to embark on unforgettable adventures. At the heart of our essence is an unwavering love of nature, the thrill of hiking trails and the enchantment of immersing ourselves in the wilderness. We live seamlessly from "aeroplane mode" to "nature mode", relentlessly seeking the most authentic connections with our surroundings.

Our dedication to providing extraordinary experiences is evident in the meticulously crafted events we organise. Imagine yourself enjoying culinary delights that celebrate the fusion of two lands as diverse as Italy and Argentina, or travelling itineraries designed to awaken all your senses. Prepare to delight your palate and lace up your best shoes, as a weekend immersed in the excellence of the best experiences awaits you.

This group goes beyond ordinary excursions; we offer day trips, weekends and multi-day treks, all customised to suit your abilities and desires. Join us on specific dates and unique locations as we continually explore new routes to keep the spirit of adventure alive.