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What we’re about

Welcome to "GTA doggy hikes" Meetup! This group is perfect for dog owners who love to hike with their furry friends of all shapes and sizes. Whether you have a small pup or a big dog, join us for fun and adventurous hikes in the Greater Toronto Area. We aim to create a community of dog lovers who enjoy exploring the great outdoors and bonding with their canine companion. Let's meet new furry friends and discover beautiful trails together. Don't forget to bring water, snacks, and lots of excitement for our upcoming hikes!

Side note, you don't have to be a dog owner to be part of the group and it's ok to join the hike with or without a dog. If you're thinking about getting a dog in the future, this group could be helpful to give you an idea of how different breed of dogs in general have different personalities, such as hunting breed (i.e, Beagle, Shiba, Jack Russell Terrier, etc.) vs herding breed (i.e, Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Corgi, etc.) vs life stock guardian (i.e. Great Pyrenees, Maremmano-Abruzzese, Kangal, etc.) etc.