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Event tomorrow, 3.13: The Role of Male Allies, Advocates, and Mentors in Retaining Women in Tech

From: Tasha
Sent on: Sunday, March 12, 2017, 1:41 PM
Hi all, just in case you are not in the ABIdotNYC community forum. We are having an amazing event tomorrow that includes the authors of Athena Rising and other phenomenal speakers around mentorship and WIT. All are invited and please share with a guy you know who might be interested in mentoring but do not know how.

It is a free event sponsored by the Anita Borg Institute and we feed you at the end!

Time frame is 1 pm - 6 pm, so if you feel like you might get there at 2:30 or 3, that is fine!

Small blurb:

Advocates, mentors, and allies are all roles that require a commitment and a will to help other individuals achieve their highest potential in their pursuit of activities to advance themselves and their communities.

Although the roles might be defined differently, they all encompass being supportive and encouraging. In the technology world, these relationships are essential to the retention and promotion of women.  However, the lack of female role models in the field, as well as the dearth of males to provide the needed support, illuminates a problem that must be addressed.

By attending our half-day workshop, we will highlight the problem and explain how current mentors, allies, and advocates are tackling it.  We will also provide resources, contacts/connections, and the support necessary for you to become part of the solution–to help elevate women’s technological competency and their presence in the field.

Please join us at this important and timely event, which will impart the knowledge and the tools to assist you in becoming the change agents needed to help attract and keep more women in the field of technology and, perhaps, your company.


Always let your dreams fly,

Natasha Green
Founder, WeIntervene
Volunteer Co-lead, ABI.NYC
~ MWBE Certified ~
e: [address removed]

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