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NewsHack Day

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 11:12 AM

For all you journalists, coders and designers in Hacks/Hackers, you're invited to NewsHack Day -- -- this June 22-24 in SF for a weekend creating the future of news, and having a good time. Food, drinks and doing.

You don't have to be an expert coder or editor: just bring your skills and enthusiasm to figure out the future of news. We’re building story hacks (digging up data-driven stories) and news tools (ways to make reporting, producing and publishing better). We'll have code camp to turn data into investigative stories on Friday, followed by the NewsHack social. The 48-hour hackathon at the Hub SoMa is all weekend. Free food and cocktails will be provided by Airbnb's executive chef Sam Lippman and Tim West.

For more information, please go to our signup here: -- or our website at Space is limited.


NewsHack Day team

Thanks to our sponsors: Knight Mozilla OpenNews, SoundCloud, New Media Ventures, Public Media Accelerator, San Francisco Chronicle, the Hasso Plattner School of Design at Stanford, Hub Bay Area, ScraperWiki,, MajorPlanet Studios, and Elefint Designs.


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