What we’re about
This group is closed to new members as it is an extension of Mocwa Group: My Only Cycle, Walk and Activities Group. Please consider joining: Mocwa Group. Thank you for your interest and I hope to meet you soon at a scheduled bicycle ride with MOCWA. This group is for men and women 45+ who are interested in active outdoor recreation. Meet other local people who are interested in Cycling and who enjoy exploring many exciting areas close to home. Often we stay for a sociable Apres at the end of our rides. Three recreational Levels of riding: Beginning with Beginner Riders, 1.5 to 2 hrs. long at a pace 15km/hr to17km/hr. with a few breaks. Level 1 is 2 to 2.5 hrs at a pace of 118km/hr to 20km/ hr.with one break and Level 2 is 20km/hr to 23km/hr for 2.5 to 3.5hrs. Watch for rides starting at a convenient local starting point on Sat. or Sun. mornings or Weekday evenings. This is a great way to socialize, stay in shape, enjoy nature and explore the green spaces close to home. Helmets, bells are compulsory. Extra's would be spare tube, cycling gloves, jerseys and shorts and shoes. Lights, reflective clothing, and reflectors are also recommended. Water and Snacks are important too.