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What we’re about

MOGO is an abbreviation for "MOst GOod, least harm" which is the title of Zoe Weil's book on the subject.

She is also the force behind

What is Humane Education?


4 teens working on computer

…a generation with the passion and skills to solve the most pressing challenges of our time, successfully and joyfully.

… if each of us were prepared for our unique role in creating a better world from the time we were born.

…if making humane choices were part of every aspect of our lives.

IMAGINE the world we would create.

Humane education is the key to creating such a world.

Humane education not only instills the desire and capacity to live with compassion, integrity, and wisdom, but also provides the knowledge and tools to put our values into action in meaningful, far-reaching ways.

Humane education enables us to find solutions that work for all by approaching human rights, environmental preservation, and animal protection as interconnected and integral dimensions of a healthy, just society.

Humane education includes 4 elements:

    Providing accurate information (so we have the knowledge to face challenges);

    Fostering the 3C's: curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking (so we have the tools to meet challenges);

    Instilling the 3R's: reverence, respect, and responsibility (so we have the motivation to confront challenges);

    Offering positive choices and tools for problem solving (so we will be able to solve challenges).

Humane education may well be the most revolutionary and effective effort that we as a society can undertake to create a peaceful and just world.

It’s time to make living ethically, sustainably, and peaceably on this planet the very purpose of education.

MOGO, short for “most good”, is a quick way of thinking about the fundamental question that underlies humane education: How can each of us, through our daily choices, our acts of citizenship, our communities, our work, and our volunteerism do the most good and the least harm to ourselves, other people, other species, and the environment? The MOGO principle invites learners of all ages to inquire, introspect, and lead lives of integrity based on their knowledge and their values

A solutionary is someone who identifies inhumane, unsustainable, and exploitative systems and then develops practical, effective, and visionary solutions, both large and small, to replace them with those that are restorative, healthy, and just. Solutionaries bring their knowledge and skills to bear on pressing and entrenched challenges in an effort to create positive changes for all people, animals and the earth

A physical location, library and meeting point for freethinkers and solutionaries of every stripe at 5330 Creditview Road in Mississauga. We will have a meeting room with a small library and weekly events to allow Humanists, Skeptics, Agnostics, Atheists and those searching to meet with like minded people. The pansy is the long-established and enduring symbol of freethought; its usage inaugurated in the literature of the American Secular Union in the late 1800s. The reasoning behind the pansy being the symbol of freethought lies in both the flower's name and appearance. The pansy derives its name from the French word pensée, which means "thought"; it was so named because the flower resembles a human face, and in the month of August it nods forward as if deep in thought.