What we’re about
This is a group for people who like improv ("Improtheater" in german) and to watch improv theatre shows. In Hamburg at the moment most of the shows are in German.
This group therefore wants to establish more english improv in Hamburg.
After founding this group in 2015 and after a lot of improv drop in sessions we have a group of regulars who like to play improv every now and then. Sometimes we even perform on stage (Hamburgers Big Night Out or Improv Jam sessions).
Our group of regulars is called "Chicken Cake Improv", which doesnt make sense - just like the group itself.
Mainly this group is for people who like to play improv themselves and try out improv games and play improv scenes together with other people, join a workshop or build an improv group. Or just to play and meetup and get to know new people.
With some small exceptions, all the posted events here are supposed to be NON-commercial or events where the fee is only used to pay the rent of the venue or a small representation allowance for the performers.