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What we’re about

Every Saturday 6:00 PM <br>Location: Downtown, Montreal, CA. <br>"Change your life in 60 minutes"

Join via WhatsApp Only: <br>

About the meeting:

This meetup is to help you overcome every struggling in your life, career, job, project, plan, business or goals, through mental healt, high performance, high consciousness, financial, and administrative techniques imparted by the CSR/HPX business consultant: Bruno Reynozzo.

Even if there's just one person the meeting I will be there available to help you (That means more attention).

The session is based on:

1. Question and answers about life, work and business you are struggling with.

2. Networking community with feedback on the strategies you need to overcome your struggling and support.

3. Getting connected and keep in touch on the WhatsApp group (See how to join at the bottom or upper part on this Description).

4. We are gonna eat/drink snacks at the places we meet so take some cash with you, please! So you can enjoy fully.

About me and the project:

Hi, my name is Bruno Reynozzo, I've been CSR/HPX (Corporate Social Responsability and High Performance) Consultant for 12 years, I'm a book author, worked with several corporates, entrepreneurs, government, industries and business people in Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, USA, Spain and now Canada, helping them with solutions for their life and business.

I came to Montreal to make a research about Canadian Culture from a different perspective for a bigger project, and I got In love of the people, so I created this pro-bono sessions to help some Canadians while I'm here. People is my passion, watching people success is fulfilling to me.


Join via WhatsApp to know the next location and transform your mind: