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What we’re about

Been meaning to learn more about happiness? Or explore inspiring ideas to increase well-being?

Do both and meet great people with shared interest! Let's combine wisdom to enhance our growth and explore together the path to greater happiness and well-being. 

❓ How: interactive context that will deliver knowledge (inspiring ideas from great thinkers, positive psychology, neuroscience, etc.), entertainment and connection.

❓ Who is invited: people who want to explore helpful ways of navigating the complexity of life, want to meet new people with shared interest, want to be inspired by meaningful conversations.

❓ When & Where: at least once a month, city center or zoom.

📣Ideas for activities are always welcome, also members who would like to organize events please reach out. Don´t be shy, be a life changer!

Key principles: Openness | Inclusiveness | No judgement | Informal | Freeform