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What we’re about

Laughter Yoga is comprised of short stretching, breathing, and laughing exercises designed to stimulate the diaphragm and the flow of oxygen through your body for enhanced physical, mental, and emotional well being. It starts with simulated laughter exercises and through eye contact and the infectious nature of laughter, turns into genuine delight. It is uplifting, fun, and anchors one fully in the present moment.

LY is a tremendously efficient way to release tension in a positive manner!

Come de-compress from your day, move your energy, and share some laughs with new or familiar friends! Laughing brings out the best in human nature and fosters connection, fellowship, and a spirit of playfulness.


Laughter is a stress-buster and significantly reduces muscle tension.

Laughter boosts the immune system & produces a sense of well-being.

Laughter increases blood flow to the entire body resulting in more energy.

Laughter is aerobic and good for the heart.

Laughter increases endorphin levels- the body’s natural pain killers.

Laughter helps release depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic stresses.

Laughter creates a catharsis for the emotional body.

Laughter makes us more creative, imaginative, and playful.

Laughter shrinks the hurts of everyday living and aids greater perspective.

Laughter within a group is contagious and creates a sense of community.