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What we’re about

This group is for any woman who is ready to step into her feminine power, transform her life for the better, and who wants to connect with other like-minded happy women.

Women are a source of strength and support to each other. Our feminine healing power can help us when we face challenges and soothe our worries. Women have always gathered together throughout evolution, but the nature of today's world judgment and fear often do not allow for this to happen.

In this group, I will be creating events that will allow for women from all walks of life to come together and celebrate their feminine power, share their experiences and learn from each other. I will be also offering regular seminars and workshops that will include psychology teachings and energetic healing practices.

Some of the topics will cover:

- improving and learning about self-love
- healing childhood trauma
- reconnecting and healing the inner child
- seminar about different archetypes of women and men
- healing your divine feminine & reconnecting with your inner Goddess
- womb healing ceremonies
- feminine energy recharge workshops
- lunar womens' circles

And many more :)