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What we’re about

Welcome, seekers of happiness!
We're an open group hosting live events that help you find true happiness.

We are part of the worldwide spiritual movement, Happy Science, that explores happiness through learning the Universal Truths that guide us to true happiness. Happy Science aims to create an ideal world – a world of harmony, love and prosperity.

We offer a variety of programs and events, including self-exploration and self-growth programs, spiritual seminars, meditation and contemplation sessions, study groups, and book events.

This group is an invitation to our programs as an outreach to our community to spread happiness.

They are designed to:
・Attain a peace of mind, decrease anxiety and stress, and feel positive
・Gain deeper insights and broader perspective on the world
・Learn how to overcome life's challenges
・Deepen your understanding of your purpose and meaning in life
・Improve your relationships and increase your capacity to love unconditionally
... and much more.

People of all faiths are welcome we we believe that we all come from the One source, living on One Planet, as One people.

Please join us and let us together embark on a journey to finding happiness and turning this world into a world filled with love, light and happiness!