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What we’re about

Hello my name is Jeannie,

I created this group because I am currently healing trauma, PTSD, social anxiety and triggers. Ever since 2020 it’s hard to find a in person group. It’s my goal to make connections and friendships where we can support each other. I am not an instructor or doctor. I am a person who is healing. So if you are also healing and focused on health and awareness of your mind body and spirit and want to meet other people on the same pathway then please join.

I would like to host in person gatherings, out in nature, possible meetups at my house and just social engagement in environments we can all feel safe and relaxed in. Creative activities like dancing, drumming, body movements as well as meditation, group chats, gardening and nature work. Are all things I may post events on. As well as good food and friendly support and talking between us all.

I look forward to talking to you and meeting you. Please send me a message if you have questions.

Love and light to you,
