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Calming an anxious mind: Learn Focussing for Calm.

Photo of Caroline Silvestre GMBPsS MHS
Hosted By
Caroline Silvestre GMBPsS M.
Calming an anxious mind: Learn Focussing for Calm.


Please note - latecomers will not be admitted.

Dear Members,

Sunday evening can be a good time to get together for calm and companionship.

I'd like to invite you all to join me so I can guide and teach you a technique called Focussing.

Eugene Gendlin's Focussing is a type of therapy that involves paying attention to the bodily sensations and emotions associated with a particular issue or problem.

The idea is that by connecting with these sensations and emotions, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their underlying emotions and needs, and start a healing process.

This practice helps relieve stress and anxiety as you gain self-understanding and clarity.

You will be invited to think of a particular problem or area in your life where you need some help with.

Focusing involves a six-step process that includes the following:

  1. Clearing a space: This step involves setting aside some time and creating a quiet space to focus on the issue or problem at hand
  2. Felt sense: The next step involves paying attention to the bodily sensations associated with the issue. This could include feelings of tension, tightness, or discomfort.
  3. Finding a handle: The third step involves identifying a word, phrase, or image that captures the essence of the issue or problem.
  4. Resonating: This step involves holding the felt sense and handle together in your mind and allowing them to resonate with one another.
  5. Asking: The fifth step involves asking open-ended questions to explore the felt sense and gain deeper insight into the issue.
  6. Receiving: The final step involves acknowledging and accepting any insights or shifts in perspective that arise during the focusing process.

In reality, we have only been doing steps 1 and 2 in this workshop, as Focusing takes practice.
The idea is that as members come again, we become more experienced and then can move through the stages with advanced sessions.

For example, once you've done steps 1 to 2 a few times, this becomes much easier and then we can then move on to other steps. If we move too soon, it won't make any sense.

I will be your guide in this group session and will be available for questions.

To know more about focussing, you can start with this YouTube Vid:

We will meet at Mercato Mayfair, and the meeting will be at the crypt. It is a stunning venue.

Who am I?

I am a registered Hypnotherapist practicing in Central London. You can find out more about me on my website


Photo of Health & Wellbeing Events in Central London group
Health & Wellbeing Events in Central London
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Every 2 weeks on Sunday until August 31, 2024

Mercato Mayfair
North Audley Street · London