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What we’re about

Healthy Living R & D group is about bringing people together for Mind, Body, Spirit, home and Environmental awareness to live healthier lives.

Those who are looking to create or explore healthier lifestyles and environments are encouraged to join. We will discuss a wide variety of topics.
I am a holistic practitioner who is currently finishing off Building Biology certifications. My R&D involves integration of various skills, experiences and knowledge I have gathered over decades of studies.

We will share topics such as:
Mind - our gateway to our beliefsand our life. Power of your mind, your beliefs, habits and how to make changes you desire; NLP, EFT, Hypnosis, Time Line therapy, Brainwave entrainment and others.
Body - Understanding our unseen energies of our bodies, subtle energies, how our current unseen energies impact our subtle bodies; such as EMFs - Wifi, bluetooth,5G, 80,000+ chemicals we find around us. our ability to detox, heal and thrive.
Spirit - Spiritual connection to your "source" - higher consciousness, universe, God or deities of your choice. Praying, intention, blessings and impact of connecting. Angels, energies of cosmos, mother earth, sun ...
Home - Creating a healthy living space, limiting EMFs, Chemicals and creating SACRED space for you and your family. Creating healing spaces.
Environment - Creating a healthy environment, water, air, sound, home, food, geopathic stress, hartmann and curry lines, BG lines.. Understanding how your environment impacts your health, your biology.
Other topics such as energy, biogeometry, vibrational healing, BioWell, Homeopathic, Essential oils, Herbs, as well as various other energy work & healing modalities such as sound, cymatics, Light therapies, Bio PhotoModulation, Frequency healing - royal rife, spooky, ozone and hydrogen therapies and more.