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Re: [LIRawVegans] Happy Easter and Passover. Question about green powder

Sent on: Sunday, April 5, 2015, 5:26 PM
I highly recommend LOV by Purium! It is 100% vegan. It has helped accelerate my energy levels for my weightlifting and powerlifting ,helps with appetite suppression and has 20 grams of protein. I am hooked. It is pricey but there are ways to reduce the price too! Please contact me for your interests. 

All the best in health,

Ramona Cadogan

On Apr 5, 2015, at 4:58 PM, Shelly and Bill <[address removed]> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Shelly and Bill <[address removed]>
To: rawfood-218 <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Apr 5,[masked]:48 pm
Subject: [LIRawVegans] Happy Easter and Passover. Question about green powder

Happy Holidays to All
l  Hope everyone is finally enjoying spring the time of rebirth. 
After recently reading one of Gary Nulls books on Anti Aging I realized even though I try to have a salad everyday. I don't get enough greens such as chorella spurlina  etc. I don't have the time to juice that often. Can anyone recommend a powdered organic super foods that they really notice a difference with. I have used some of these powders in the past such as vitamin shop brands and Gary Null's  and have not noticed much of an effect. Years ago I used to take Dr Schultz's greens it was gross but it did have a very positive effect on my energy and skin.  I  It can't have maca as maca puts weight on me.
Thanks, Much Shelly

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